Software WinSC-63VHF
WinSC-63RT is a program product designed to work in operational system Windows 9X/2000/XP together with the receiving device RR-63RT.Price: 0.00 EUR w/o VAT
WinSC-63VHF provides the following basic functions:- Processing of the messages, coming from receiving device RR-63RT;
- Visualization of received information in convenient for the operator form;
- Archieving of received information;
- Wide range of possibilities working with data base;
- Basic and alternative working schedule for each object;
- Fast control of not restored alarms;
- Automatic control of the tests from transmitters and control panels;
- Creating and printing the reports;
- Possibility to send messages on E-mail, cell phone, pager;
- Possibility to transmit received information in Surgard MLR-2 format through the COM port;
- Three access levels to the functions of the program;
- Control of the central alarm receiver's system operation;
- Control of communication with the central alarm receiver.

Tel.: +372 602 0595 GSM: +372 56 888 010 (rus, est, eng) GSM: +372 506 7364 (rus, est)